Terms and Conditions

for using the service MySugardaddy


1. Service and operators

The service MySugardaddy, available at MySugardaddy.eu, (hereinafter the "Service") is an service of SDC Ventures GmbH, Maerkische Str. 60, 44263 Dortmund (hereinafter the "operators").

2. Coverage and General Information

2.1 By registering with the service (see also paragraph 4.) the user accepts the present Terms and Conditions for using the service (hereinafter referred to as "the Terms of Use"). The operator provides the service solely on the basis of use and conditions at the time of the user registration valid version.

2.2 The service, its content and the visible part of the service data, are available for the user only for purely private or non-commercial purposes. Any use for other purposes, particularly for industrial or commercial purposes is prohibited.

2.3 Users of the service can only be people of legal age (over 18 years). People under 18 years can not use the service. By registering with the service (see para. 4), the user assures to be at least 18 years old.

3. Performance of the service

3.1 The service is an Internet exchange for partner-seeking customers. The operator offers the user access to its database. This database allows users to build partnerships and friendships with other members. In addition, this database contains profiles and information about other users. The user can view the profiles of other users and can be contacted to a limited extent, and create a profile including a photo and up to 10 Album photos and 10 VIP photos in the database. The customer appears to third customers only under an anonymous requested name. The users also have the opportunity to upgrade their existing free membership to a paid "VIP membership". A "VIP member" has in addition to the features of the free basic membership additional functions also available. Thus, a "VIP member" among others has access to the messaging system of the service and may write free messages to other "VIP members" . In addition, a "VIP member" can unlock monthly 10 basic members for the contact. The unlocking has a limited duration of one month. Unrestricted access to the VIP Photo Album is allowed to "VIP members" as well.
3.2 The operator promises no successful contact with other users of the service. Subject of the contract is not a marriage agency. Subject of performance is only the - depending on the type of membership that members differently designed - procuring the opportunity to communicate with the users of the service.

4. Subject of the Membership Agreement and contracts

4.1 Subject of membership contracts is in each case the use of the services by the user within the scope of the selected membership. Using the service is only possible by appointment by the user and acceptance of the application by the operator. Users can access two types of using the service or membership to choose from:

4.1.1 On one hand there is the possibility of the free, limited use of the service within the basic membership (hereinafter "Basic Membership");

4.1.2 Secondly, there is the possibility of the extended paid use of the service as part of the VIP (hereinafter referred to as "VIP membership") membership. This assumes a previous registration as a base member.

4.2 The description of the memberships, their scope of services and the prices of VIP memberships are shown in the illustrations within the Service.

4.3 The possibility to use the service offered or the possibility of the application or registration to the service - whether for free (basic membership) or paid (VIP membership) - is always non-binding and does not state a binding offer of the operator to conclude a corresponding license agreement. Rather, it is to be seen as a prompt to the user to submit an offer for the conclusion of a license agreement. With the completion of the relevant filing or ordering process by the user on the Internet portal of the service that makes a binding offer for the conclusion of the contract (basic membership or VIP membership) on the use of the Service. The operator may accept this offer of the user by separate email or by providing the relevant service within three working days, otherwise the user is no longer bound by its offer. Only through this acceptance the contract is concluded between the user and the provider. The operator is not obliged to conclude a contract. The operator may refuse to accept the application or reject (the conclusion of the agreement) without stating a reason.
4.4 The user must log into the service first as a base member. Then the user has the option to purchase a paid VIP membership.

5. Right of Withdrawal

Consumers in terms of § 13 of the Civil Code (BGB) have a right of cancellation as follows:

Right of cancellation

You have the right to withdraw this contract within fourteen days without providing a reason. The withdrawal period is 14 days from the date of conclusion.
To exercise your right of cancellation, you have to inform us (SDC Ventures GmbH, Westfalendamm 263, 44141 Dortmund, Phone: +49231799 19 742, E-mail: info@mysugardaddy.eu) with an explicit statement (e.g. by letter, fax or e-mail) about your decision to withdraw from this contract. You can sure use the attached model withdrawal form, which is not mandatory.

To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient that you send your notice concerning the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period.
Consequences of the withdrawal

If you withdraw from this contract, we will reimburse all payments we have received from you, including the shipping costs (with the exception of the additional costs arising from the fact that you have chosen a type of delivery other than that offered by us, which is cheapest standard shipping) immediately and at the latest within fourteen days from the date on which the notification about your cancellation of this contract with us has been received. For the repayment, we use the same method of payment that you used in the original transaction, unless you explicitly agreed otherwise; in no case will you be charged any fees for this repayment.
If you required that the services began during the withdrawal period, you will have to pay us a reasonable amount in the proportion of up to that point, to which you informed us of your withdrawal of this contract, services rendered compared to the total amount for the contract provided equivalent services.

End of the cancellation

Model withdrawal form 

(If you would like to cancel the contract, please fill out this form and send it back to us.)

- To [SDC Ventures GmbH, Westfalendamm 263, 44141 Dortmund, E-Mail: info@mysugardaddy.eu]:

- Hereby give I / We the notice to withdraw from my / our (*) concluded contract for the purchase of the following products (*) / the introduction of the following services (*)

- Ordered on (*)/delivered on (*)

- Name of the customer(s)

- Address of the customer(s)

- Signature of the customer(s) (only via communication on paper)

- Date

(*) delete as applicable

6. Obligations of the user

6.1 As part of the application to the base membership, the order for the VIP membership and the system of the user profile of the user various information are questioned. It can be both mandatory and optional information. The user has to assure that the information provided by him in each case is complete and correct, and that in particular the by him provided contact information is valid and assigned to him. The user is required, changes about their information given by them to update mandatory immediately in their profile.

6.2 The user is obliged to keep his access for using the service secret. In particular, is it not allowed to provide access to third parties or to allow third parties to use the services with the user's login information. If there are reasonable reasons to suspect that a third party has come to have knowledge about his credentials, he is to contact the operator without delay and to change his password.

6.3 As part of using the service the user has to refrain from the following:

6.3.1 The as part of the service visible to other users of the service rendering, overlay or other indication of contact information (e.g. phone number, address, e-mail addresses, etc.) or other information (e.g., links to profiles of the user on other social networks or other services, usernames on other social networks or other services, etc.) can be used for contact between users of the service, bypassing the service or its notification systems.

6.3.2 Any use of the Service, its content or the visible through the Service data for industrial or commercial purposes, in particular any contact or other response from other users of the service within the Service for the aforementioned purposes.

6.3.3 Content of the service or data of users of the service to systematically read or copy or export otherwise and to use them outside of this service.

6.3.4 Activities and the publication of contents of any kind that violate the law, infringe third party rights or violate the principle of protection of minors. In particular, the following Actions will be prohibited:

  • setting, distribution, supply and application of pornographic, offending against youth protection laws, against privacy rights and / or against any other legal and / or fraudulent content, services and / or products;
  • the use of content, which insults or slanders others users or third parties;
  • use, providing and spreading of content, services and / or products that are protected by law or charged with third-party rights (for example copyright), without being expressly authorized to use them.

6.3.5 Regardless of a possible violation of the law when setting your own content through the Service and in communications with other users (for example, by sending personal messages, by participating in discussion forums or writing guestbook entries) the following activities:

  • spreading viruses, Trojans and other malicious files;
  • sending junk or spam mail and chain letters;
  • spreading of offensive, sexually embossed, obscene or defamatory content or communications, and such content or communications that suitable to promote or support (both explicitly or implicitly) racism, bigotry, hatred, physical violence or illegal activities);
  • the harassment of other participants, for example, by repeated personal contact without or against the reaction of the other user, and promoting or supporting such harassment;
  • inviting other users to reveal passwords or personal data for commercial or legal or illegal purposes;
  • the distribution and / or public communication or making available of available through the Service content, except to the extent expressly permitted by the respective author or explicitly provided as functionality through the Service available.

6.3.6 Any action that is likely to affect the smooth operation of the service, in particular, the charging of the systems of the operator in excess.

7. Availability of the service

The service is continuous 24 hours, seven days a week operational with an availability of 98% in the monthly average. This does not include downtime caused by maintenance and software updates, as well as periods in which the web server (force majeure, third party, etc.), is not available over the Internet due to technical or other problems that are beyond the control of the operator. If it is foreseeable for the operator that downtime for maintenance and software updates take longer than three hours, the operator will inform the customer at least three calendar days prior to commencement of work.

8. User Content

8.1 Users can customize their user profile under the present conditions of use as they wish. Here the limitations of the point. 6 are to be respected.

8.2 By posting content through the Service, the user grants the operator in each case a gratuitous and transferable right to use the respective content, in particular

  • for storing the content on the server of the operator as well as their publication, in particular making it available to the public (for example, by displaying the content on the Internet through the Service)
  • for processing and duplication, to the extent necessary for the provision or publication of that content, and
  • for granting - also remunerated - usage rights to third parties to content within the use of the Service.

The above usage rights is forfeited if and when the user removes the content posted by him from the service. The operator keeps entitled to keep copies of the content created for backup and / or detection purposes. The third users to set by the user content previously granted rights of use also remain unaffected.

8.3 The user is fully responsible for the content posted by him alone. The operator does not check the contents for completeness, correctness, legality, timeliness, quality and fitness for a particular purpose. The user assures towards the operator and is responsible for ensuring that it is the sole right to dispose regarding the content posted by him, especially that he is entitled to give the operator the rights granted herein, and that he has not made conflicting available any of the contractual rights granted or becomes. The user shall free the operator against all claims of third parties in connection with the contractual use of the content, including the costs of appropriate legal defense, in the alternative, he will compensate him. This does not apply if the user is not responsible for the infringement.

8.4 The operator reserves the right to refuse the setting of content by the user and / or already posted content (including private messages, guestbook entries and other messages) to update without notice, to block or remove, if the setting of the content by the user or the content posted himself in a breach of Clause 6 of the Terms of Use or there is clear evidence that it could come to a serious breach of Clause. 6 of the Terms of Use. The operator is, however, in this case taking the interests of the user into consideration and choose the least drastic means of defense of the infringement.

9. Duration and termination of usage contracts

9.1 The basic membership is for an indefinite period and may be terminated by the user at any time. The operator may terminate the basic membership with a notice period of 14 calendar days at the end of the month

9.2 The VIP memberships are offered with terms of 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. Details are given in the product description. The VIP membership with 1-month duration, the membership is extended by another month if the user cancels the membership not later than 24 hours before the expiration of the membership (including optional renewal periods) in writing, by email or in the user profile by clicking on the cancellation button or the operator not later than 3 working days before the end the membership in writing (including optional renewal periods), announced by email. For VIP memberships of more than one month initial duration (3, 6 and 12 months), the membership in each case renews to the originally booked period (3, 6 or 12 months) if the user cancels the membership not later than 1 week prior to the expiry of the membership (including optional renewal periods) by written notice, by email or in the user profile by clicking on the cancellation button or the operator not later than 2 weeks before the membership (including optional renewal periods) announces in writing via email. Decisive for the start of membership is acceptance of the declaration of the user by the operator (contract).

9.3 The parties' right to terminate the contract for an important reason shall not be affected by the above provisions on termination.

9.4 With effective date of termination, the contractual relationship ends and the user may no longer use the contractual access. The operator is entitled to block the user name and password when the termination becomes effective.

9.5 The operator is entitled, upon the expiration of 30 calendar days after the termination becomes effective and after any statutory provision deadlines to delete all data created by the users during the use of the Service irretrievable.

10. Blocking access

10.1 The operator can block the user's access to the service temporarily or permanently, if the user violates these terms of use and / or restricted by applicable law or has failed, or if the operator has any other legitimate interest in blocking. When deciding on a blocking of the operators will take into account the legitimate interests of the user appropriately.

10.2 In case of temporary or permanent blocking, the operator blocks the access authorization and notifies the user of such by e-mail.

10.3 In case of temporary closure the operators reactivate after the passing of the timeout and notifies the user of such by e-mail. A permanently blocked access authorization can not be restored. Permanently suspended users are excluded from participating in the service regularly and may not re-enroll with the service.

11. Payment

11.1 For payment, the following payment methods are available:
Immediate transfer

At the end of your booking you will be directed to carry out the transfer to the secure payment form IMMEDIATELY. No registration is required.

Your data will be encrypted and the transfer is carried out directly.
Direct debit

With direct debit the invoice amount is easily and conveniently charged using your specified account information within eight working days from your account. As payee the statement will show: „CARD.NOVALNET.DE, payment@novalnet.de, Internet Bezahlung“

Credit Card

We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express. A credit card will be charged with concluding the contract (acceptance of registration). As payee the statement will show: „SDC Ventures GmbH, Dortmund“

11.2 Users are not entitled to settle claims against the operator, unless the counter-claims by the user are legally established or undisputed. The user has to set off against claims of the operator also has the right when the user makes counterclaims from the same contractual claim. The user exercise withholding if his counterclaim arises from the same contract.

12. Liability of the operator

12.1 For willful or grossly negligent breach-regardless of the reason- the operator is liable pursuant to the statutory provisions.

12.2 In the case of simple negligence, the operator is liable only for damages resulting from the breach of a contractual obligation. Essential contractual obligations are those that enable the fulfillment of the proper execution of the contract and on whose observance the user may regularly trusts. In case of breach of contract, the liability to the foreseeable when concluding the contract, typically occurring damage is limited.

12.3 The limitation of liability in accordance with 12.2 shall not apply if it comes to damage from injury to life, limb or health or claims under the Product Liability Act, or if a defect was fraudulently concealed or a guarantee has been applied to the condition.

12.4 The above exclusions and limitations apply to the same extent in favor of the organs, legal representatives, employees and other agents of the operator.

13. Privacy policy

The operator places great emphasis on careful handling of personal data of users and observe the relevant data protection regulations. Reference is made to the separate Privacy Policy.

14. Changes to the Conditions

The operator reserves the right to change these terms at any time with effectiveness even within the existing contractual relationships. If the operator intends such a change to the Terms of Use, the operator will inform the users thereof at least six weeks before the planned entry into force of the amendment. If the User does not contradict within six weeks (opposition period) of receipt of the notification of the change, the change from the opposition period shall be deemed validly agreed. The opposition must be in writing or email. The operator will inform separately on this result in the change notice. Does the user enforce its right to cancel, the change request is seen as rejected. The contract will be continued without the proposed amendment. The right of the parties to terminate the contract remains unaffected.

15. Concluding Provisions

15.1 These Terms of Use and the entire legal relationship between the operator and the user are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. If the users have given his registration to the base membership or ordered a VIP membership as a consumer within the meaning of § 13 BGB and the time of application or order is habitually resident in another country, the application of overriding law of that country from the in remains sentence 1 taken right choice unaffected.

15.2 Should individual clauses of the contract or the terms of use be wholly or partially invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the contract / the terms of use.